Acupuncture & Yoga [location]

Become pain and stress-free with Dean Wickenden Acupuncture and Yoga near [location].

 Customised plans that treat the cause of pain. Balance your mind, body, and energy.

About Dean

Dean is passionate about natural health and healing. He uses a combination of healing therapies including acupuncture, massage and diet therapy, myofascial release, herbal medicine, moxibustion, cupping, qigong, yoga and meditation.

He provides customised plans that are tailor-made for his clients. From his Albany clinic, Dean’s focus is to treat the root cause of pain, rather than the symptoms, as this helps to balance the body, energy, and mind.

Ready to heal and balance your body?

Dean practises from a tranquil clinic conveniently located in Albany, North Shore, Auckland and services [location] and surrounding suburbs.

Why Dean Wickenden for Acupuncture and Yoga?

When looking for an acupuncture practitioner close to [location], it’s important to find someone that’s compassionate and has good qi practice (qi gong, tai chi), so they’re effective with the needle. 

Dean embodies these traits and he’s a registered acupuncturist with the New Zealand Acupuncture Standards Authority (NZASA). He’s also a Chinese medicine practitioner. He focuses on providing the most authentic and effective treatment for his clients.


Dean Wickenden Acupuncture and Yoga is conveniently located in Albany, North Shore, Auckland and caters for clients from [location] and surrounding suburbs. Dean is a registered ACC provider and adheres to strict professional conduct and practice.

If you have any questions or would like to make an appointment, please get in touch.

Find Us

Ready to heal and balance your body?

Massage therapy
Acupuncture can help treat symptoms of many conditions, including musculoskeletal problems like injuries, back pain, sciatica, neck pain and sports injuries) to stress, anxiety, insomnia, fertility, digestive problems, and more.


Traditional Chinese massage utilises various massage techniques. These range from very gentle, light touch and movement to deep, strong pressure. Dean starts with a Chinese medicine consultation then formulates a personalised treatment plan tailored to your needs.
Dean’s approach to teaching yoga includes incorporating energy and mind. He has a special interest in yoga for health and how it relates to various traditional healing systems. He offers yoga therapy and often combines this in his treatment plan.

How treating from the root can help

With treatments focused on the root of the imbalance and not just the symptoms or disease, acupuncture and eastern medicine can treat and help relieve an enormously wide range of conditions.


Back pain, neck pain, sports injuries, headaches, any type of pain can be relieved whether, physical, emotional of mental


Stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, emotional imalances


Indigestion, bloating, diarrhoea, constipation, IBS. Any type of digestive problem

Women's Health

Infertility, PMS, menstruation issues, menopause symptoms


Allergies, cough, asthma, rhinitis, common cold