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Fertility Acupuncture Auckland

Welcome to Dean Wickenden Acupuncture and Yoga: Your Guide to Fertility Acupuncture in Auckland

If you’re on a fertility journey, I am here to offer a unique approach to acupuncture for fertility in Auckland. With a blend of ancient traditions and a touch of modern insight, I aim to make your path to parenthood a personalized and holistic experience. It is my strong aspiration to help people on their fertility journey, supporting them in conceiving and nurturing healthy and happy families

Acupuncture for Fertility

What Sets Dean Apart

A Personalized Approach to Fertility Wellness

In the world of fertility acupuncture, my commitment extends beyond the needles. When you choose my services, you’re choosing a unique and personalized experience. My approach isn’t your typical acupuncture session. I combine the wisdom of Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, and Tibetan medical and spiritual practices to create a holistic strategy for fertility support.

  • Individualized Attention: I treat one person at a time, ensuring that my energy and focus are entirely dedicated to your well-being. Unlike some practitioners who may leave needles in and move on to the next room, my approach is hands-on and attentive.


  • Active Treatments: Your sessions are dynamic and tailored to your unique needs. I go beyond standard acupuncture, often incorporating tuina massage for a comprehensive healing experience.


  • Holistic Lifestyle Guidance: Understanding that fertility is influenced by various factors, I craft a holistic plan for you. This includes lifestyle adjustments, dietary recommendations grounded in Chinese medicine principles, and the incorporation of Chinese herbal medicine. Moreover, I consider often-overlooked elements that are almost lost in today’s acupuncture practice such as Chinese and Tibetan astrological factors.


  • Mind-Body Harmony:  As part of our holistic approach, I integrate yoga therapy and meditation into your wellness journey. These practices are designed to not only support your physical well-being but also foster a sense of calm and balance, vital for your fertility journey.

I invite you to experience the transformative power of acupuncture and personalized care. Let’s work together to create a plan tailored to your unique needs. Schedule a consultation today and let the journey to enhanced fertility begin. Your fertility is a precious aspect of your well-being, and I am here to support you every step of the way.

To schedule your consultation, click here or reach out directly at 0210347752. Let’s embark on this journey together.

Frequently Asked Fertility Questions

Does Acupuncture Work for Fertility?

While acupuncture is a valuable component of traditional Chinese medicine, relying solely on acupuncture may not yield optimal results, especially for cases of unexplained fertility. It’s essential to recognize that acupuncture is just one aspect of a comprehensive approach to fertility treatment.

Understanding Traditional Chinese Medicine:

In traditional Chinese medicine, there are three primary treatment methods:

  1. Lifestyle and Diet: Making appropriate lifestyle adjustments and dietary changes can significantly impact fertility outcomes and help the results.
  2. External Therapies: Acupuncture, tuina massage, moxibustion, cupping, and other external therapies play a crucial role in enhancing fertility by addressing underlying imbalances.
  3. Herbal Medicine: Chinese herbal medicine offers potent remedies tailored to individual needs, supporting overall well-being and fertility.

While acupuncture alone may not be sufficient for fertility treatment, incorporating it into a comprehensive treatment plan that includes lifestyle modifications, external therapies, and herbal medicine can significantly enhance fertility outcomes. By embracing a holistic approach, individuals can optimize their chances of conceiving and nurturing a healthy pregnancy.

  1. Harmonizing Hormones: Acupuncture is celebrated for its ability to harmonize the endocrine system, fostering balance among key hormones crucial for fertility. This restoration of hormonal equilibrium can positively impact ovarian function and create an environment conducive to conception.

  2. Promoting Vital Blood Flow: The strategic placement of acupuncture needles serves to invigorate blood circulation to the reproductive organs. Increased blood flow ensures optimal nourishment and oxygenation, creating a fertile ground for the successful development of eggs and a receptive uterine lining.

  3. Stress Alleviation: Fertility journeys can be emotionally challenging, and stress is a known factor that can impede fertility. Acupuncture sessions provide a serene and calming space, helping individuals to release tension and reduce stress levels. A relaxed mind and body can significantly contribute to a more favorable fertility landscape.

  4. Cycle Regularity: Acupuncture has shown efficacy in regulating menstrual cycles, addressing irregularities that may hinder conception such as PMS, endometriosis, PCOS, late or early periods. The restoration of a regular menstrual cycle is a positive step towards enhancing overall fertility.

  5. Synergy with Assisted Reproductive Technologies: Many individuals undergoing assisted reproductive technologies, such as IVF, find value in integrating acupuncture into their treatment plans. Research suggests that acupuncture may enhance the success rates of these technologies by optimizing conditions for implantation and reducing the risk of miscarriage.

The number of acupuncture sessions for fertility can vary based on individual circumstances and specific fertility goals. Generally, acupuncturists often recommend a course of treatment that spans several weeks to months, as fertility improvements may take time. However, the optimal number of sessions can depend on factors such as the underlying fertility issues, the individual’s overall health, and whether they are undergoing other fertility treatments.

A common recommendation is to start with weekly acupuncture sessions and then adjust the frequency based on progress and individual response. Some individuals may start to see benefits within a few weeks, while others may require several months of consistent treatment.

For those undergoing assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as in vitro fertilization (IVF), acupuncturists often suggest a specific treatment plan that may include sessions leading up to and following the IVF procedures to enhance the chances of success.

Duration of Treatment:

  • Short-Term Benefits: Some individuals experience immediate benefits, like reduced stress and increased relaxation, after their initial sessions.
  • Medium-Term Benefits: Changes such as improved energy levels and menstrual cycle regularity may become noticeable after several weeks of consistent acupuncture.
  • Long-Term Benefits: Achieving optimal fertility may take several months of regular treatment. For those undergoing assisted reproductive technologies (ART), a customized plan may be tailored to specific phases of the reproductive cycle.

Frequency of Sessions:

  • Initial Phase: Weekly sessions are often recommended initially to establish a foundation for balancing Qi and addressing fertility concerns.
  • Adjustments: Depending on progress, the frequency of sessions may be adjusted. Some individuals continue with weekly sessions, while others may transition to bi-weekly or monthly maintenance sessions.

What to Expect During an Acupuncture Session:

  • Consultation: Your first session involves a thorough consultation to gather information about your medical history, fertility journey, and overall health.
  • Needle Insertion: Thin, sterile needles are gently inserted at specific acupuncture points. Most individuals feel minimal to no pain during this process.
  • Relaxation: After needle insertion, you’ll have time to relax. Acupuncture sessions are often calming, providing an opportunity for meditation or rest.
  • Duration: Sessions typically last 30 to 60 minutes.

Determining the optimal timing for acupuncture in relation to fertility can depend on various factors, including your menstrual cycle, overall health, and any assisted reproductive technologies (ART) you may be undergoing. Here are some general guidelines:

  1. Menstrual Cycle Phases:

    • Follicular Phase: The follicular phase typically starts on the first day of your period and lasts until ovulation. This phase is often considered a good time for acupuncture to support egg development and enhance blood flow to the uterus.
    • Ovulatory Phase: Acupuncture during the time of ovulation may support the release of a healthy egg and create an optimal environment for fertilization.
  2. Before Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART):

    • IVF or IUI Preparation: Acupuncture sessions leading up to in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intrauterine insemination (IUI) procedures can help prepare the body, enhance blood flow to the reproductive organs, and support a positive response to fertility treatments.
  3. During Assisted Reproductive Technologies:

    • Pre- and Post-Procedure Sessions: Acupuncture sessions just before and after ART procedures, such as embryo transfer during IVF, may enhance the chances of success and support implantation.
  4. Throughout the Menstrual Cycle:

    • Consistent Sessions: For those not undergoing ART, consistent acupuncture sessions throughout the menstrual cycle can help address underlying imbalances, regulate the menstrual cycle, and support overall reproductive health.
  5. Stressful Periods:

    • High-Stress Times: If stress is a significant factor affecting fertility, acupuncture can be beneficial during stressful periods to help manage stress levels and promote relaxation.
  6. Individual Considerations:

    • Unique Circumstances: The ideal timing can vary based on individual circumstances. Consult with your acupuncturist, and consider your menstrual cycle, any fertility treatments, and specific fertility concerns when determining the best schedule for acupuncture.

In fertility acupuncture, the placement of needles is often determined by specific acupuncture points associated with reproductive organs, hormonal balance, and overall well-being. Here are some common acupuncture points targeted during fertility acupuncture sessions:

  1. Lower Abdomen:

    • Acupuncture points in the lower abdomen are often used to influence the reproductive organs, including the uterus and ovaries. Needles may be inserted around the pelvic region to enhance blood flow and balance energy.
  2. Lower Back:

    • Points along the lower back, particularly around the sacrum and lumbar region, are commonly targeted to support the kidneys and promote overall reproductive health.
  3. Spleen and Stomach Meridians:

    • Points along the spleen and stomach meridians may be used to regulate digestion and address issues related to nutrient absorption, which can impact fertility.
  4. Kidney Meridian:

    • The kidney meridian is associated with reproductive health in traditional Chinese medicine. Acupuncture points along the kidney meridian may be stimulated to support kidney function and nourish the reproductive system.
  5. Liver Meridian:

    • The liver meridian is believed to play a role in regulating the menstrual cycle and hormonal balance. Acupuncture points along this meridian may be chosen to address imbalances that could affect fertility.
  6. Ear Points:

    • The ear is considered a microsystem in acupuncture, and specific points on the ear may be stimulated to influence reproductive function and hormonal balance.
  7. Ankle and Leg Points:

    • Points around the ankles and legs, such as the spleen and kidney points on the inner ankle, may be targeted to enhance overall energy flow and support the reproductive system.
  8. Yin and Yang Balancing Points:

    • Acupuncture aims to balance Yin and Yang energies in the body. Points associated with these energies may be selected to create harmony and equilibrium, addressing imbalances that could impact fertility.

It’s important to note that the exact acupuncture points chosen can vary based on individual needs, diagnosis, and the specific approach of the acupuncturist.

  1. Improved Blood Flow to the Uterus:

    • Acupuncture is believed to enhance blood flow to the uterus and pelvic organs. Improved circulation can create a more favorable environment for implantation of the fertilized embryo during IVF.
  2. Regulation of Hormones:

    • Acupuncture may influence the endocrine system and help regulate hormones associated with the menstrual cycle and fertility. This hormonal balance can be crucial for the success of IVF procedures.
  3. Reduced Stress Levels:

    • IVF procedures can be emotionally and physically demanding, and stress has been linked to reduced fertility. Acupuncture sessions are known for their stress-relieving effects, potentially creating a more relaxed and supportive environment for IVF.
  4. Enhanced Response to Medications:

    • Some studies suggest that acupuncture may improve the response to fertility medications used during IVF cycles. This improved response could contribute to a higher number of quality eggs.
  5. Immune System Modulation:

    • Acupuncture is thought to have immune-modulating effects, which may be beneficial during IVF. A balanced immune response is essential for successful implantation and pregnancy.
  6. Reduction of Uterine Contractions:

    • Acupuncture may help reduce uterine contractions, which could be beneficial during embryo transfer. Minimizing uterine contractions may improve the chances of successful implantation.
  7. Promotion of Relaxation and Well-Being:

    • The emotional and psychological aspects of fertility are crucial, and acupuncture sessions are often associated with relaxation and a sense of well-being. This positive mental state can be valuable during the emotionally challenging IVF process.
  8. Individualized Treatment Plans:

    • Acupuncturists tailor their treatment plans to the individual needs of the patient. The personalized approach takes into account the patient’s overall health, specific fertility challenges, and the stage of the IVF process.

It’s important to note that while some studies suggest positive outcomes, research on the effectiveness of acupuncture in conjunction with IVF is ongoing, and individual responses can vary.

  1. Hormonal Balance:

    • Acupuncture is believed to influence the endocrine system, helping to regulate hormonal balance. Hormones play a crucial role in the menstrual cycle, ovulation, and overall reproductive health.
  2. Improved Blood Flow:

    • Acupuncture may enhance blood circulation to the reproductive organs. Improved blood flow ensures better oxygenation and nutrient supply to the ovaries and uterus, creating a more favorable environment for conception.
  3. Stress Reduction:

    • Acupuncture is known for its stress-reducing effects. High stress levels can negatively impact fertility by affecting hormone production and disrupting the menstrual cycle. Acupuncture sessions provide a calming and relaxing experience.
  4. Regulation of the Menstrual Cycle:

    • Acupuncture may help regulate menstrual cycles, addressing irregularities such as endometriosis, amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea. Regular and predictable menstrual cycles are essential for fertility.
  5. Enhanced Ovarian Function:

    • Studies suggest that acupuncture may improve ovarian function, including the quality of eggs and the responsiveness to fertility medications. This can be particularly relevant for individuals undergoing assisted reproductive technologies (ART).
  6. Support for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART):

    • Acupuncture is commonly used in conjunction with ART procedures such as in vitro fertilization (IVF). Research indicates that acupuncture may enhance the success rates of these technologies by improving implantation rates and reducing the risk of miscarriage.
  7. Immune System Modulation:

    • Acupuncture is believed to have immunomodulatory effects, helping to balance the immune system. This is important, as an overactive or underactive immune response can impact fertility.
  8. Reduction of Uterine Contractions:

    • Excessive uterine contractions can interfere with implantation. Acupuncture may help reduce uterine contractions, potentially improving the chances of successful embryo implantation.
  9. Increased Endometrial Thickness:

    • Acupuncture may contribute to the thickening of the endometrial lining, providing a more supportive environment for embryo implantation.
  10. Improved Emotional Well-Being:

    • Fertility journeys can be emotionally challenging. Acupuncture sessions provide a supportive and nurturing space, helping individuals manage stress, anxiety, and emotional well-being during the fertility process.