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Acupuncture for Neck Pain

Acupuncture for neck pain

Neck pain is a common problem that I see in my clinic as an acupuncturist. It can be caused by a variety of factors such as poor posture, a sedentary lifestyle, or a previous injury, and can greatly affect one’s quality of life. In this blog post, we will explore the causes, symptoms and treatment options for neck pain with a focus on acupuncture for neck pain and other traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) therapies.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this blog post:

  • The common causes of it according to western and Traditional Chinese medicine
  • How acupuncture works for neck pain
  • The benefits of acupuncture for neck pain
  • Other modalities for neck pain such as cupping, moxibustion, tuina massage, yoga therapy and gentle beginner’s yoga
  • Prevention of neck pain
  • Home remedies for neck pain.

The Causes of Neck Pain: Understanding the Root of the Problem

Causes of neck pain according to western medicine

  • Poor Posture: One of the most common causes of neck pain is poor posture. Sitting at a desk for long periods of time, looking at a computer screen or phone, or carrying heavy bags on one shoulder can all contribute to poor posture. When we slouch or hunch forward, we put unnecessary strain on our neck and shoulders, leading to pain and discomfort.


  • Sedentary Lifestyle: A sedentary lifestyle can also contribute to neck pain. When we spend long periods of time sitting or lying down, our muscles can become stiff and weak, leading to pain and discomfort. Additionally, if we don’t engage in regular exercise, we can also lose flexibility, which can contribute to neck pain.


  • Injury or Trauma: Injury or trauma can also cause neck pain. Whiplash, a common injury from car accidents, can cause neck pain and stiffness. A fall or direct blow to the head or neck can also result in neck pain.


  • Muscle Strain or Sprain: Muscle strain or sprain can also cause neck pain. This can happen as a result of overuse, repetitive motions, or poor posture. A muscle strain occurs when the muscle is stretched or torn, while a sprain occurs when the ligament that connects the muscle to the bone is stretched or torn.


  • Underlying Medical Conditions: Underlying medical conditions such as arthritis, disc herniation, or spinal stenosis can also cause neck pain. These conditions can cause inflammation and pressure on the nerves in the neck, leading to pain and discomfort.


It is important to understand the root of the problem to effectively treat and prevent it. Poor posture, sedentary lifestyle, injury or trauma, muscle strain or sprain, and underlying medical conditions are all common causes of neck pain. 

The Causes of Neck Pain According to Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offers a unique perspective on the causes of neck pain. According to TCM, neck pain can be caused by a variety of imbalances within the body, including:

  • Qi Stagnation: Qi is the vital energy that flows through the body, and when it becomes stagnant, it can lead to pain and discomfort. Symptoms of qi stagnation include a feeling of tightness or stiffness in the neck, as well as a sense of fullness or pressure.

  • Blood Stagnation: Similar to qi stagnation, blood stagnation occurs when the flow of blood is hindered. This can cause pain and stiffness in the neck, as well as a feeling of heaviness or achiness.

  • Wind Cold Damp Heat: These are external factors that can invade the body and cause pain and discomfort. Wind is associated with movement and change, cold with stagnation and contraction, dampness with swelling and heaviness, and heat with inflammation.

  • Excess and Deficiency: An imbalance in the body can lead to excess or deficiency of certain elements, which can in turn cause pain and discomfort. For example, an excess of heat can cause inflammation and pain, while a deficiency of qi or blood can lead to weakness and achiness.

Overall, Traditional Chinese Medicine, offers a holistic approach to understanding the causes of Neck Pain, by identifying the root cause rather than just treating the symptoms. Through the use of acupuncture, herbal medicine, and other TCM modalities, practitioners can help to restore balance and alleviate pain in the neck.”

How acupuncture Works for Neck Pain

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the insertion of thin needles into specific points on the body, called acupoints. These acupoints are believed to correspond to pathways, or meridians, through which energy, called Qi, flows. According to traditional Chinese medicine, neck pain can be caused by a blockage or imbalance in the flow of Qi in the neck and shoulder area. Acupuncture is thought to help relieve neck pain by restoring the balance and flow of Qi in the affected area.

Benefits of Acupuncture for Neck Pain

  • Reduces pain and improves range of motion
  • Improves function
  • Non-invasive and drug-free alternative
  • Can be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as physical therapy
  • Reduces stress, anxiety, and tension which are contributing factors for neck pain

Acupuncture has been found to be effective in treating neck pain. Research has shown that acupuncture can reduce pain, improve range of motion, and improve function in people with neck pain. It is also considered a safe treatment option, with few side effects. Acupuncture may also be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as physical therapy, to further improve outcomes. Additionally, acupuncture is a non-invasive and drug-free alternative for people who want to avoid the use of pain medications. Acupuncture has also been found to be effective in reducing stress, anxiety, and tension which are contributing factors for neck pain. This is because acupuncture releases endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving and mood-elevating chemicals in the body, which help to reduce stress and promote relaxation.

Other Therapies to Help Neck Pain


One of the most effective ways to combat neck pain is through stretching and strengthening the muscles in the area. Yoga offers a variety of poses that target the neck and shoulders, helping to increase flexibility and range of motion.

  • Beginners yoga classes can provide a safe and gentle introduction to yoga for those with neck pain. These classes are designed to teach the basics of yoga, focusing on proper alignment and breathing techniques. This can help to build a foundation for practicing yoga safely, and can help to prevent injury. Yoga can be everyone old, young, flexible of inflexible.
  • Yoga therapy, on the other hand, is a specialized form of yoga that is tailored to the individual needs and conditions of the person. Yoga therapists work with individuals to address the specific causes and symptoms of the pain, and to develop a personalized practice that can help to alleviate pain and improve function.

Yoga therapy and acupuncture are a match made in heaven, as they both approach the problem from different angles and complement each other. If you’re dealing with neck pain, consider giving yoga and/or acupuncture a try!

Tuina Massage for Neck Pain
  • Tuina massage is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves the use of massage techniques to manipulate the body’s energy channels and promote healing.
  • It can help to relieve pain and tension in the neck and shoulders and improve range of motion.
Cupping for Neck Pain
  • Cupping therapy is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the use of suction cups on the skin to relieve pain and promote healing.
  • It can help to increase circulation, reduce muscle tension, and relieve pain in the neck and shoulders.
Herbal Medicine for Neck Pain
  • Herbal medicine is a traditional approach to healing that uses plants and plant-based remedies to promote health and alleviate symptoms.
  • Herbs such as ge gen, gui zhi, and gan jiang have been traditionally used to reduce pain and inflammation in the neck and shoulders.
Myofascial Release for Neck Pain
  • Myofascial release is a form of manual therapy that aims to release tension in the body’s connective tissue, called fascia, to alleviate pain and improve movement.
  • It can help to release muscle tension and improve range of motion in the neck and shoulders, reducing pain and discomfort.

Prevention of Neck Pain

  • Maintain good posture: Sitting or standing up straight, keeping your shoulders back and your head level, can help to reduce tension in the neck and shoulders.
  • Exercise regularly: Regular exercise, such as cardio and strength training, can help to improve the overall health of your neck and shoulders, reducing the risk of pain and injury.
  • Stretch: Stretching your neck and shoulders can help to reduce tension and improve range of motion.
  • Take frequent breaks: If you spend a lot of time sitting or working at a computer, take frequent breaks to stretch and move around.
  • Use a supportive pillow: Using a supportive pillow when sleeping can help to reduce tension and improve the alignment of your neck and shoulders.
  • Be aware of your habits: Be aware of your habits, such as holding the phone between your shoulder and ear and carrying heavy bags, that may contribute to neck pain and try to avoid them.
  • Avoid smoking and limit alcohol consumption: These habits can increase the risk of neck pain.
  • Practice yoga breathing and meditation: Yoga breathing and meditation can help to reduce stress and tension in the body, and improve overall health and well-being.

Home Remedies for Neck Pain

  • Yoga, breathing and meditation: Practicing yoga combined with breathing and meditation can help to reduce stress and tension in the body, which can alleviate neck pain.

  • Qigong: Qigong is a Chinese practice that incorporates movement, breath, and meditation to improve overall health and well-being. It can help to reduce tension in the neck and shoulders, and alleviate pain.

  • Self-massage: Gently massaging the neck and shoulders can help to release tension and improve circulation, reducing pain and discomfort.

  • Foam rolling: Using a foam roller to massage the muscles in the neck and shoulders can help to release tension and improve flexibility.

  • Heat pack: Applying heat to the neck can help to increase circulation and reduce muscle tension, which can alleviate pain.


In conclusion, as an acupuncturist, I believe that acupuncture is an effective treatment for neck pain, and it can be even more effective when combined with other therapies such as yoga, cupping, massage, myofascial release, and herbal medicine. It is important to consult with a qualified practitioner who can develop an individualized treatment plan that incorporates the therapies that are most appropriate for you. Remember that the best way to alleviate neck pain is to maintain good overall health and well-being, and to address any issues that may contribute to pain and discomfort as soon as they arise.

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Picture of Dean Wickenden

Dean Wickenden

Dean, holding a Bachelor of Health Science, is registered in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and Tuina Massage with the Chinese Medicine Council of New Zealand. With over 20 years of experience in yoga, he has earned a 1200-hour diploma in yoga and is a certified instructor of Yantra Yoga and the Tibetan Yoga of Movement.

Committed to natural health and healing, Dean takes a holistic approach in his practice, incorporating a wide range of therapeutic methods. His offerings include acupuncture, massage, dietary advice, myofascial release, herbal medicine, moxibustion, cupping, qigong, yoga, and meditation. He practices from his clinic in Auckland, New Zealand, dedicated to providing comprehensive care tailored to the individual needs of his clients